Monday, February 25, 2013

TN Scholarships for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

college, disabilities, scholarships, lottery, bill
Teresa and Meredith Schlandt of Clinton. 20-year-old Meredith is in her second year at the FUTURE program at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, fulfilling her dream to attend college. like her older brother. CREDIT: Teresa Schlandt

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - A bill that aims to create college scholarships for Tennessee students with intellectual disabilities is being considered by State Legislature. Among the supporters of the legislation is Tammy Day, who runs the Next Steps program for such young adults at Vanderbilt University.
"This legislation would open the doors to many more young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities to have the opportunity to continue their formal education with their peers," Day said.
Funding for the STEP UP Scholarships would come from the state's Lottery for Education Account. Day says the cost would be recouped as the students gain employment and become taxpayers for years to come.
In all, the STEP UP Scholarships would help nearly 50 students a year with tuition, and they have several options on which school to attend. In addition to Next Steps, there's TigerLIFE at the University of Memphis and the FUTURE program at the University of Tennessee.
Read more about the future of the state's first college scholarship program for adults with intellectual disabilities here:


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Nashville's Best Special Olympics Basketball Player

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Markus in between his big game with the Nashville Knights Tuesday.

Markus Boyce has overcome a hurdle he never thought he would - a basketball goal!
He scored 8 points during Tuesday's game with the Special Olympics' Nashville Knights. The team won one out of two games thanks to Markus' efforts. That's why we've crowned him Nashville's Best Special Olympics Basketball Player.
Progress' Director of Programs Meika McClendon and his Program Manager Sarah Floyd both attended Markus' game on Tuesday, which was held at Belmont University

Markus great showing during the game is a huge step, because in his first season with the Knights' he never scored a point.
Practicing every Tuesday with his teammates and coach has made the difference. He proves that with perseverance anything is possible. 

special olympics, Nashville, sports, special needs, disability
Markus amongst his teammates.

He was also honored for his great work ethic at Progress last Friday through our new ACHIEVE program. Markus, like many of the folks we support, always strives do to his best. Congrats on the win, Markus! 

Share this blog post to show your support for Markus & the Knights this basketball season.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine's Day Fun with Belmont students & Progress

intern, volunteers, arts & crafts, disability, projects, Progress Inc.
Belmont grad student Cantrell Ellis guides Vanlisha’s hands as she draws a heart inside her greeting card for the arts & crafts project.

Red and pink construction paper sprawled across the day center can only mean one thing - It's the season of love. 
Vanlisha, Shonda and others got a head start on Valentine's Day by making cards for their companions,  friends and loved ones. They had the help of Belmont University grad student Cantrell Ellis. She helped make sure the "hearts" and sweet messages were just right for everyone's special Valentines.

Ellis is one of six students that will spend the next three months at Progress fulfilling Progress’ mission of keeping seniors and adults with disabilities healthy, happy and safe.

The graduate students, who are studying Occupational Therapy, will assist Progress staff in the homes of seniors who receive in-home care and they will also participate in the community activities and employment support teams for adults with intellectual disabilities supported a Progress Inc., a non-profit agency that provides staff support to more than 150 clients.

The volunteer hours will be clocked as fieldwork hours towards the students’ degrees. Belmont selects various human services sites each year for students to get hands-on experience. Progress was one of those fortunate agencies to be chosen by Belmont Academic Fieldwork Coordinator Shelley Hix last fall.

To our wonderful Belmont students, THANK YOU!

Please share this post to highlight this great partnership between Belmont & Progress. To hear more about our updates & stories of Progress, visit our recently updated Progress Inc. website.

arts, Valentine's Day, disabilities, support, nonprofit
Progress Inc. clients Shonda Pevahouse, Vanlisha Harbison and Billy Goodman watch as Belmont graduate student Cantrell Ellis assembles a construction paper Valentine’s Day card.

arts, Valentine's Day, disabilities, support, nonprofit, Progress Inc.