Friday, February 3, 2012

PHOTOS: NewsChannel 5 covers story on Progress Inc.

NewsChannel 5 will feature a story on Friday evening's newscast about the importance of keeping people with disabilities employed. The Department of Labor released unemployment numbers this morning that showed unemployment for people with disabilities was 12.9 percent compared to 8.7 percent for the general population in January.

The numbers are still relatively high, but Progress is glad to have employers like the Marriott to support our clients and keep them employed. Bea Miller, who has been with our agency since 1993, will be the focus of tonight's story. She has worked for the Marriott in the laundry department for several years. She is a great example of how people with intellectual disabilities can be reliable, hardworking employees.

Below are a few photos from the video shoot at the Marriott this morning. The news story is expected to air during the 4 p.m., 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. newscast on Channel 5, so don't miss it.

Bea at the Airport Marriott. She will be on a NewsChannel 5 newscast about how Progress and Marriott help keep people with disabilities employed.

Joe works with Bea at the Marriott along with about three other Progress clients in a work enclave.

Susan Hutchison, Progress Inc. Associate Director of Day Services, being interviewed by NewsChannel 5 reporter Janet Kim at the Marriott.

Zach, an employee at the Marriott, shared his experience working with our clients in the laundry department.

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