Welcome to the Morning Minute!
We're planting new gardens at Progress - both literally and figuratively!
A couple of years ago, a companion at Progress spearheaded
the effort to raise money and build some beautiful
planter boxes. It was a project completed, planted,
and maintained by several people whom we support
and their companions.The harvest was bountiful
and beautiful!
The following year,
circumstances had changed for many of those involved, and sadly, those boxes remained unplanted.
This year, happily, they will be filled again with
tomatoes and peppers and squashes!
(I also built new garden boxes at home this year. My early greens included arugula...yum!)
Did you know you can make delicious pesto
in your blender or small chopper/food
processor with 20 or so arugula leaves,
a handful of walnuts, garlic as you like it, salt,
shredded Parmesan and olive oil?
Toss it with pasta or make a pesto, tomato,
mozzarella crostini...or any way you like to use pesto!)

We find that our plans and projects
and priorities in many areas often
times have varying schedules for fruition,
just like those garden boxes. Front and center for us right now:
We are very close to securing a location for our art reuse center SMART! Scrap Made Art. We have several storage units full of amazing and inspiring donations, we have grant requests on the desks of potential funders, and we've talked it through with our Board and our Bank. We're excited!!
If you know of great warehouse space, 3000-5000-sq. ft. that is affordable (by non profit standards), contact SMART! Project Manager Kelli Monday at k.monday@progress-inc.org.
We are looking for nominations of community-minded leaders over the next 18 months to round out our board. We are particularly hoping to recruit people who are invested in and connected to the arts and elder care communities. An attorney with anspecial interest in non-profits would also complement our board. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know, please e-mail me at d.goodaker@progress-inc.org
We're offering our first summer day camp for children with intellectual disabilities ages 10-22 from June 3-July 12. There's still a few days left to register for this full-day camp (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.), which will include music therapy, art therapy ,tennis clinic , gardening, trips to Centennial park, Sportsplex, and many others. For more information contact, Meika McClendon at m.mcclendon@progressinc or visit http://www.mnps.org/Page107013.aspx.
_ Donna Goodaker Executive Director, Progress Inc.

Progress Achieve: Comcast Crew
Progress Ambassador/Office Manager Lanitta Joseph introduced the ACHEIVE program in January. ACHIEVE most recently recognized the determined group of clients that refurbish more than 160 XFINITY remotes every week - that's nearly 650 every month. They work diligently and with pride. Lanitta honored them with a pizza party and keepsake certificates. Congrats, ALL!

The Golden Years - Fun, Food & Fitness
The Progress Senior Services Division had a wonderful first time event last month, Golden Years, a health & fitness expo! Huge thanks to HCA Healthcare and The Home Depot for there support of The Golden Years!
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