Friday, May 9, 2014

The Big Payback Paid Off for Progress Inc.!

Community Foundation, Progress Inc., BigPayback, Seniors, Disability
The BigPayback - a 24-hour day of online giving - paid off for Progress!


$1.4 million

The power of numbers were evident on May 6. On that day, 525 small and large nonprofits supporting everything from elephants to theater raised more than $1.4 million during the BigPayback, an online day of giving sponsored by the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee and the Kharis Foundation. Progress had the great fortune of drawing in more than $2,100 in just a matter of hours.  We are so thankful for the support given that will help us to continue to keep people with disabilities and seniors healthy, happy and safe.

Ticket to Work, Supported Employment, Progress Inc., Nashville

In addition to the financial gain, the day gave Progress a platform to tell our story to an increased number of potential supporters. More than 1,000 people were engaged on our Facebook and Twitter pages. In those many social media moments, our friend Tim from the Nashville Airport Marriott helped tell the story of just how important it is for Bea to have a meaningful workday and bring smiles to the faces of Marriott employees and customers. Our Board President David Cannady also shared why he loves and supports Progress. 

We just can't say thank you enough to each and every one of you for making sure the Big Payback paid off for Progress.

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