Thursday, December 8, 2011

Progress Inc. executive director published in The Tennessean

The Tennessean featured Progress Inc. Executive Director Donna Goodaker's letter to the editor in the Wednesday edition. The piece sheds light on the recently celebrated International Day for Persons with Disabilities. Several readers recommended the Op-ed piece on Facebook and Twitter.
On Dec. 3, more than 650 million people with disabilities were recognized on the International Day for Persons with Disabilities. This observance has taken place for nearly 20 years, and the mission of achieving equality for people with disabilities remains a message that must be elevated locally and abroad.

There are more than 610,000 adults with disabilities living in Tennessee, but approximately 7,000 adults with intellectual disabilities do not have access to services that could ensure their participation in the community because of limited state funds.

For people like Felicia, a Nashville woman with an intellectual disability and epilepsy, state and federally funded programs have allowed her to fulfill a longtime goal of becoming employed.
Read the rest of Donna's piece on the importance of providing programs to adults with developmental disabilities at the link below.

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